2023 Supporters
Your unbelievable support helps us carry out our mission to create locally produced, high quality ballet productions that are accessible to the diverse members of our community and enrich our lives through the performing arts.
Interested in helping to keep this community favorite alive and thriving? Find out more on our Support Page.
Platinum Sponsor
The Veranda Concord and Bay Street Emeryville, CenterCal Properties
Bronze Patron
Diana Gibson Pace
The Falkner Family
Elks Club of Alameda
Rotary Club of Alameda
Hoffecker Schroeder Family
Friends of the Ballet
Brice Harris
Kathleen Anderson
Rachel Lee
Lynn Landry
Little-Martin Family
Emilie Skinner
In-Kind Supporters
Denise and Scott Brady
Kelley’s Kookies
Mariposa Baking
Peet’s Coffee and Tea
Rich Robeson
Hoffecker Schroeder Family